Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Mini BBQ @ Simon's

Memorial Day, i worked all day. 11-8pm. I got overtime and holiday pay.. but man. I was pretty exhausted near the end. The mall wasn't as busy as Xmas.. but still busy enough.

Yong came over to my work after he finished moving everything into a U-HAUL truck because he doesn't have a place to stay until his move in date to his new place. I was surprised to see him because i didn't think he would be able to make it. It's always good to see him, must be his aura.

I gave him my keys, and he went to take a nap at my place. I finished work, picked him up - picked up some beer, and headed over to Simon's for a mini bbq. Very short notice.. but yeh. It was coo. There was sum good food - and good company. It was Me, Yong, Simon, James, Jay, Simon's Sister, Simon's little brother, Sum white guy, and Sophia. Sung was supposed to come, but he flaked out at the last minute. WTF?

Here are some pics from the event.

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