Thursday, January 16, 2003

Lost Traffic Court Trial

Dang.. last night was wack. Going to Pasadena at 9am to drop off a friend took 50 minutes.. ugh! But we had a cool little after party at my house and played some funny games.
I pretty much got no sleep - and then had to get ready for my court trial at 1:30pm.

To sum it up - i lost.. i plead not guilty and the judge was a biyotch. My defense was that the cop wrote down Honda Accord when i had a Honda Prelude. Nevertheless, the cops testimony said Honda Accord.. so i argued that he wasn't being an accurate witness and gives enough reasonable doubt that his talking about a different scene. I asked for a dissmisal due to an incompetent witness - and the judge denied me saying that everything else that the cop was saying was accurate. I'm like.. wtf. the guy couldn't even tell what i was wearing that day - nor could he describe what my car looked like. Yet the judge was a bitch and told me "nice try.. u can go to traffic school".. doh!

Right now, i'm just trippin cuz i lost - i hate losing. Then it's the ticket fine which wasn't even reduced!.. and then! i had to pay for traffic school. ARRGG.. Dude.. whatever,.. i have to drive like a grandma for the next 18 months.

Now i'm really tired.. i haven't slept since 9am yesterday. So i've been up for.. err.. 30 hours?

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