Saturday, April 09, 2011

Screw u 23123(a) VC

So today, I got a ticket for talking on my cell while driving. The conversation lasted 10 seconds, and i was 2 minutes from my destination. I wouldn't be as pissed if it was a long conversation - or even a meaningful conversation. The dialogue was:

"Hey are you almost here?"
"Yea, ETA 2 min"

As i was nearing the parking lot, i see red lights behind me. I honestly don't know where the cop was hiding, or how the heck he saw me talk on the phone for those short 10 seconds. I am pretty sure he wasn't behind me. What are the chances that this crap happens?

To top it all off, violation 23123(a) says there is a base fine of $20. But this is very misleading because they charge court fees 6x the base amount. From my research, the ticket will end up being $141 after they tack on all the extra fees.

I don't plan on fighting this ticket, since i was obviously guilty - but it's just frustrating.

Those of you that live in CA, i guess you can learn from me. Even if the phone conversation lasts a short period, it's not worth picking up the call w/o a hands-free device.


  1. LACop7:22 PM

    Just so everyone is aware, it's distracted drivers month here in SoCal for law enforcement. We're stepping up enforcement to drivers who text or talk while operating a motor vehicle. It's called the hands-free law for a reason, so you cannot have the phone obviously to your ear, or on speaker-phone even if it's still in your hand. The only time you can use the phone while in your hands is if you're on the line with a 911 operator. Just a public service announcement from your friendly neighborhood copper...

  2. as always, thank you mr. lacop.
