Monday, August 19, 2002

My Own Online Diary

How about a second post? haha.. This blog is pretty interesting. I actually never thought about keeping a diary of my life - but i was talking to Pae the other day, and he was asking me for webspaces that did free blogs; and so i came to bite on his idea and start my own. It was a little late - and i guess he overlooked the fact that is actually free, as long as you have their ad on top of the page. I should tell him about that today when he wakes up before he starts blogging at Geocities.come (booo!)..

And come to think of it - i also bite this website design from Bob (GX-Calbear) - cuz this is the only one i'm really used to. I'll eventually change it to look similar like Bronx's Junkyard.. (eventually).. when i'm not lazy. I don't expect many people to even read my blogs.. since i know i don't read them as often as i would like because it gets a little boring after a while. You can bet my blogs will be pretty boring as well unless i have something very interesting to say.

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