Sunday, January 15, 2012

Kim Jong Min.. acting or just real?

I can't remember the last time i laughed so hard. I think i was cracking up for a good 10 minutes non stop as i replayed this clip. Just so you have some background, the clip is from a Korean variety show called "1 Day 2 Nights" - and the two playing the game is Lee Seung Gi and Kim Jong Min. They are both returning cast members of the show.

Lee Seung Gi is considered a boy genius as he is good at almost everything he does except for cooking. Kim Jong Min is considered pretty odd. His brain works differently than others - UNLESS.. it's all an act. I'm still not convinced his like this in real life.

The game they are playing is called "I am Ground" or "Strawberry game". Each person picks a fruit name and then calls on another fruit with the specific number of times they have to say the fruit name. Each time the fruit name is spoken, it needs to correspond with the motion count they do with their bodies. The number can be between 1 to 8. Ugh.. confusing right? Hard to explain.

Anyways, it's a pretty stressful game since you have to use wits and timing to get everything right. For those of you who've played the game before will get a really good laugh out of this.

1 comment:

  1. silverflower9:19 PM

    LOOOOL I actually did laugh out loud, replayed it, and laughed out loud some more, hahahaha
