Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Change is good right?

Well new years has passed, and i originally didn't make any resolutions. But, the more i thought about it - i received an epiphany, revelation, realization, inspiration, or whatever you want to call it. I think everyone goes through something like this, when they just know it's time.

My time has come, and i'm still in the process of sinking it into my skull. Hope everyone is having an excellent 2012 so far. If you've made any resolutions hope you're sticking to it. Let's all encourage each other!

1 comment:

  1. silverflower4:29 AM

    I'm not doing so hot with my resolution to get ready for bed at 10:30 and being in bed by 11. My success rate is about 1/7, lol. I'm aiming for 2/7. Baby steps, right? haha
