Friday, October 15, 2010

Do You Ever Forget..

 .. Your first love?  I guess that may depend on the level of depth sought to the question.  You probably won't forget, without amnesia.  Somewhere deep in your head, you will always know.. "ahh.. my first love was xxx". 

Then how about, "Do you still think about your first love?"  Is it different for men and women?  And does time make a difference?  I would love to find a study on this subject, because i just don't know the answers.  There's all these little variables that could make it impossible to answer these questions because one could argue the variations of love each person experienced. 

Someone who says, "I never think of my first love", could simply be mistaking his first bf/gf as love - and never  had the pleasure of experiencing true love.  It could be different for everybody.   For me, i still think about her.  Sometimes i cherish the memories, other times it's painful.  I often question myself if it would be better if i could completely forget - but the answer is always no.  I would rather torture myself with the memories rather than not relive the moments in my head.

To be fair, though, it could be my loneliness talking.. if i was in a relationship right now, i highly doubt i would be thinking about my first love.  What matters is what's in front of you, not what has passed.

1 comment:

  1. Aznsniper6:42 PM

    I'm in the same situation as you right now. I do still think about mine, and when I thought there was another object of my affection, I kinda just forgot about it (only temporarily though). Whenever things end up not working out, I come back to her again in my mind. I always tell myself it's good it didn't work out because I know how much I learned from the whole experience, but there's still always the feeling that I'd rather not have been hurt or not know what I'm missing...and I still flip flop on my opinion as well. I don't think I'll really ever come to a solid decision.
