Sunday, July 01, 2012

Diet Tip #4: Vitamin B-12

I am pretty sure there is a mass number of people around the world that are just tired everyday. That's why energy drinks and coffee has become a vital part of our daily lives. I have been going to work at 6am and coming home at 10pm these days. I am so tired at the end of the day that it's hard to get anything else done (like working out). So in the morning i have been buying a can of Monster for the energy, and it really does work. I didn't have my afternoon crash and wasn't tired until i actually got home. However, the caffeine, sugar, and $2.76 i spent everyday was becoming ridiculous.

Right around that same time, Pae told me that he was taking multi-vitamins with complex b-12 for energy. I did some research on Vitamin b12 - and from what i gather, it's a very good vitamin that the body needs to sustain energy throughout the day. So i ended up buying this:

$44 at Vitamin World. 180 capsules that should last 3 months by taking 2 a day. I'll let you all know how this goes.

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