Monday, December 11, 2006

Hemo is Win!

So.. the big news is i got HWL sword in WoW, and am now hemo sword spec. I think this is like a pwn3age spec for rogues cuz it's all about energy control..

I'm 21/3/27.. so coldblood when i need to vs. lowby's and i am able to control enough of my energy to do the following combo w/o any hesitation.

cheapshot / hemo / hemo / kidney / hemo / gougue / vanish / cheapshot / coldblood / evis

that pretty much makes it gg. If i need to conserve my CD's then it's usually w/o vanish and just an evis.. i have premed as well so if it's a really crazy fight, i can just premed and do it all over again.

For warriors/pally's - i found it's better to use opening:

garotte / hemo / gougue / rupture / vanish / cheapshot / hemo / hemo / kidney / hemo / gougue / evis

Well.. before when i was dagger burst damage spec.. i would just hope i get my crits from ambush and bs.. but when i didn't get them.. i was usually very screwed since bs took up so much energy. I mean it's really fun to be burst damage daggers cuz sometimes u can gg by simply 2 hits on a mage for example.. but not very tactful since it's rare to get it done. Or when u sneak up on someone with low hp and drinking.. bam! gg. But even in those situations if it doesn't crit.. hard to do anything. Anyways, i will miss my burst damage in pvp.. it was so nice having it.. but i am able to control my energy much better with hemo so i'll stick with it. there's no going back anyways.. weeee

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