Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Bohemian Rhapsody

I was on Youtube and came across a video of a guy in Canada that was being arrested while intoxicated. He sang this song while being transported to the Police station. I searched for the original version by Queen - and ended up loving the lyrics. Particularly, there is a part - "I don't want to die. But sometimes i wish i was never born at all". It expresses what i feel sometimes. I write about this all the time, but it's such a coincidence you find a song that expresses exactly what you are feeling. It just means you aren't alone in your emotions and there are plenty of other people that feel the exact same thing. That's why songs and the artist are such powerful motivators in life.

I don't feel like dying.. but sometimes i really do feel as if it would have been better if i wasn't born.

1 comment:

  1. Well Bronx, I just want you to know I appreciate you and your thoughts. I'm pretty shy in person so I like the Junkyard as a way to connect with others and I enjoy reading your thoughts. I use them as motivation to be more open with others.
