Sunday, April 22, 2012

Ugly Babies

Is there such thing as an ugly baby? Yes. Unfortunately there is. It's also one of those awkward moments in your life when you see a friends kid for the first time and freeze because you don't know what to say.

"Oohhh.. your kid is .. soooooo ... cute *cough*"

When you have nothing good to say, don't say anything at all - doesn't apply to this situation. Your friend will take offense if you don't compliment the baby. Lying is the obvious choice, but you have that ningling thought on the back of your head saying, "DAAMN.. this baby is pretty broke in the face."

They do have one good thing going for them though. What i notice is that ugly babies end up becoming really pretty/handsome when they get older. And the exact opposite for cute babies. Just nature taking it's course.

"You're mean!" Is what you may be thinking right now. But stop lying to yourself. You know i'm right. I love babies.. but some are just cuter than others.

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