Sunday, February 20, 2011

Plans for the Upcoming Months..

Is it just me, or do most of you like to plan ahead? It's always nice having a goal and being able to have a purpose in waking up every day. For me, the past few months have been about getting healthy - and thankfully I've been doing well.

Next on the list will be a trip to Korea in April (It will be April for sure, just need to buy tickets) - and then looking for a 9-5 job when i get back state side.

Back when i was in NY, life was plain. Work, eat, and sleep. I had no motivation or a goal to strive for. Depression kicked in, and i was miserable. If you are feeling blue, here are some personal tips that have helped me in recent months.

1. Exercise - For the purpose of being healthy, feeling good about the way you look, and increasing the level of endorphins your body produces

2. Change of lifestyle - If you are not happy with your current life, it's time for a change. Change jobs, where you live, or even your car. Do what makes you happy. You only live once.

3. Take a vacation or socialize! Meet friends more often and be around others!

1 comment:

  1. ah have our generation already become uncles and aunts to the next generation already?? :(

    I'm currently going through that phase where I'm a fresh graduate. Looking for a job. Spending a great deal of time at home. I sharpened my art and cooking skills at home though. lol wish me luck in job hunting :)

    ...still working on the exercise...need to be motivated to do that..
