Friday, May 21, 2004

Finals done!

Omg.. finished my finals today! Wopee... i think i did relatively well on both exams.

1. for my first class, i wore my little fishing hat and was able to cheat off the 5 ppl who surrounded me. (kids don't cheat.. it's bad. Only bad ppl like me can do it)

2. for my second class, the teacher is so legit, he let us use open book. I got all the formulas and was coo. he actually came around to my desk, looked at my answers and nodded. HAHA sweet!

Came home from school.. and watched some stuff i dl'ed.

1. Smallville season finale (storyline is getting interesting
2. Angel SERIES finale. i didn't like the ending.. leaves a blank open story with no real ending
3. Torque, biker movie with Ice Cube.. now i totally want a bike
4. Once Upon a Time in Mexico. You can totally tell it was a mexican that wrote/directed this movie. Sucked.

Then i went to Min Sok Chan with pae james and simon and got a nice "little" buzz.. came home and played a few rounds of dota and i'm freakin tired now.
I thought i was going to feel this sudden burst of relief after my finals, but i don't. Something is still icking.. i think it's the thought of summer school.. BOOOOOOO

Dummy is doing well.. i make sure he gets a lot of attention.

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